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Lumberland Completes 2017 UDC Grant

NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council recently approved a $3,105 payment to the Town of Lumberland, NY upon successful completion of its 2017 Technical Assistance Grant project.

The Lumberland Town board utilized the grant funding for the purchase, installation, and training of software for the Town Highway Department that will help track road conditions for optimum safety, monitor expenses related to maintenance of vehicles and equipment in the fleet, and develop a 10-year plan for road maintenance.

The program was purchased from Williamson Law Book Company of Victor, NY at a total cost of $4,030 for the software, installation, an online training session, and one year of technical support with online program back-ups.

The UDC approved seven Fiscal Year 2017 Technical Assistance Grants (TAG) totaling $36,280 on Oct. 6, 2016. The deadline for project completions is August 18, 2017.

Since its inception in 1988, the UDC has awarded a cumulative total of $845,605 to fund 247 projects through the TAG program.

The grants are available competitively to the UDC’s 13 member towns and townships, and five encompassing county governments in NY and PA, for non-construction projects that address goals and needs identified in the River Management Plan for the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River.

For guidelines and a directory of projects accomplished under the Technical Assistance Grants program, visit

Please contact UDC Resource Specialist Pete Golod at (845) 252-3022 or with any questions.


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