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UDC Technical Assistance Grant Applications due by Aug. 31

Caption: The Shohola Township Planning Commission was honored by the Upper Delaware Council at the 28th Annual Awards Ceremony on April 24, 2016 for completing a five-year process to update zoning codes for the township. From left to right are Secretary Diana Blume, Solicitor Jason Ohlinger, Commission members Peter Wulfhorst, Peter Kestler, Gary Hoeper, Aaron Robinson, and Roger Saumure.

NARROWSBURG – Subject to the availability of funds, the Upper Delaware Council (UDC) announces the opening of its Fiscal Year 2018 Technical Assistance Grants (TAG) program. Applications from the UDC’s member municipalities will be accepted until 4:30 p.m. on Monday, August 31.

A reduced funding pool of $15,100 has been earmarked for this competitive program.

Another change is that eligible projects must be directly related to land use planning, zoning revisions, comprehensive and master plan updates, codification of local laws, and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) planning.

Applications are being solicited now to consider ideas and allow the maximum amount of time within Federal Fiscal Year 2018 (Oct. 1-Sept. 30) for participants to complete their projects; however, no contracts will be executed until such time as the UDC receives its annual allocation of funding from the federal government via the National Park Service Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River.

If the program is funded, a special meeting of the UDC’s Project Review Committee would be expected to take place on Tuesday, September 12, at 6:30 p.m. at the Council’s office in Narrowsburg to meet with applicants and review their proposals.

Approval of FY 2018 grant awards could follow at the Thursday, October 5, monthly UDC meeting to be held at 7:00 p.m. at the UDC office.

Mid-term progress reports by successful grantees would be due by February

27, 2018. The deadline for municipalities to complete their projects and submit their documentation for reimbursement would be August 24, 2018.

Since the non-profit organization’s inception in 1988, the UDC has awarded $845,605 to help subsidize 247 non-construction projects.

The River Management Plan for the Upper Delaware Scenic and Recreational River authorizes the UDC to provide technical, planning, and financial assistance to participating governments for projects related to implementation of the Plan.

Eligible to compete in the TAG program are the UDC’s eight New York town members, five Pennsylvania township members, and their encompassing counties. Buckingham and Manchester Townships in Wayne County, PA could also apply if they joined the Council.

Application forms, grant criteria, contract guidelines, and a directory of past projects are posted on the UDC’s website at and available for download.

Please contact UDC Resource Specialist Pete Golod at (845) 252-3022 or for more information.


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