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Narrowsburg, NY

UDC to Meet July 2 at Different Location

NARROWSBURG – The Upper Delaware Council (UDC) will hold the next monthly meeting on Thursday, July 2, at 7:00 p.m. at the Tusten Town Hall Community Room located at 210 Bridge Street, Narrowsburg, NY. A maximum of 25 people including board members, staff, media, and guests will be allowed to participate, with social distancing and facial coverings required.

The monthly meeting will include a synopsis of minutes from the three standing Council committees; potential status reports from the Delaware River Basin Commission, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, National Park Service, and the UDC Executive Director; discussion of old and new business; and public comment.

All Council and committee meetings of the Upper Delaware Council are open to the public. Please check the website for updates.

For a schedule of 2020 meeting dates or other information, please call (845) 252-3022, email or visit


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